Tuesday, 1 July 2008


Kia Ora Class.
Homework Term 2 Week 9
Remember that your homework for this week is to publish a piece of writing. You may like to do this using a computer. If you do, here are some tips...
1 - put your name in the header, right aligned, size 10 font
2 - centre align title, capital letters for all important words, large font size
3 - left align main body of text, size 12 - 16 font, select an easy to read font (times, comic sans, ariel)
4 - leave a space between paragraphs
5 - edit for meaning and punctuation
6 - use the spellcheck
7 - try to talk the best typist in your life into typing some of the story for you (but you have to be there to make sure it's done right)
If you are publishing by hand, the same ideas apply - just use your very best handwriting.
Blog Challenge 2
Remember to take your digital camera out and about with you over the holidays so you can do Blog Challenge 2. If you don't have a digital camera - get creative and sketch the bridges you find. Check it out below.
Mrs Smith

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