Wednesday 25 June 2008

Crumbs & Fried Worms

Through out the year, our teacher has chosen books for her to read to us. Two of our favourite books were Crumbs and How to Eat Fried Worms.
Crumbs was about a boy called Pete and a girl called Maggie and their mum kept buying Bonza's Baby Biscuits for Maggie, which made Maggie get smart and talk, even though she was too young to talk. But in the end it was a trick by the people who made the biscuits. But in the end they sorted it out and there were no more Bonza's Baby Biscuits for baby Maggie. I liked the part when the baby could not eat any more and I liked the part when the baby talks.

Fried worms was about two boys and one boy bet the other boy $50 to eat 15 worms!!! So once a day he ate a worm. He did that for fifteen days!!! Oww!! I liked the part when the boy ate the last worm and got the $50. The stories that Mrs Smith has read to us have been awesome, I always look forward to the next one.
by Bryana &

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