Tuesday 24 June 2008


In maths we are learning to use halves and doubles in quick 10s and 5 questions. At the moment some of us are working on using our 5 times tables in hard questions. At the moment most of us are still working out of the basic facts maths book and few of us are working out of number sense and algebraic thinking. Every Tuesday, we all get put into groups and one group gets to go with Mrs Austin to learn our times-tables and division at the library. The groups that we have been put into are advanced counting and advanced additive. In 100 square the teacher times us to see how fast we can go and our challenge is to get whole 100 square finished in 5 minutes, if we don't we have to change into a different colour pen and put down our time as 5 minutes+, but if we make it we get to full in the answer's on the whiteboard. If we get it wrong, we write the correct answer in red pen rather than crossing it out and making a big mess. Sometimes if we get all the answers correct we get group points for our group. Our favourite game is add-ups and alien addition because the whole class can understand the games and understand the questions really well, even if the questions are hard or easy. Our most favourite game is add ups because we can improve our maths and go up a level in maths. Some of the kids really like playing Alien addition because the question's are very interesting, and some are easy and some are really hard. A lot of us really need to focus on our division and our seven times table.
Lots of kids like using their 5 times tables. All of the kids in Room 1 are working on their 7 times tables because we are all on that level. We all like learning about add-ups because it is all about adding numbers up and how numbers work. Lots of kids in Room 1 really like doing 100 squares.
By Samuel and Priya.

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