Wednesday 2 July 2008

Back to Before

A few weeks ago, we had people peforming a show called Back to Before. As we headed into the hall, we got a warm wecome from the actors. It took along time for everyone to get settle in. Then the show started with a boy named Sam. After school Sam went to Mrs Mc Tock's house. Sam was not sure about going to Mrs Mc Tock's house. Mrs Mc Tock was crazy to Sam at the start. As he went into Mrs Mc Tock's house, Mrs Mc Tock started to be crazy.Mrs Mc Tock, asked Sam to help her find the hour glass. Sam found the hour glass he picked it up, upside-down, and the time-keeper appeared.He told Sam, "If you don't guess all of the questions right, you will stay in here forever! Then a girl named Katie told Sam that she had been trapped in the time-keepers game. Sam told her that he had just seen the time-keeper."Hey, Katie, how long have you been in here?" Asked Sam
" A very long time, but I just don't know how long."Replied Katie.
Then they kissed, and said goodbye.
Then Sam said,"If you need help, call cooe cooe."
In ten minutes, Sam heard a ,"COOEE COOEE."and then realised it was Mrs Mc Tock.
All of us had a great time at the show.

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