Thursday 3 July 2008

Book Week

Pukeko, Kakapo, Takahe and Morepork have been doing diferent stuff every day, like Kakapo went to room 9 first and there Miss Cooper read us a book called The Patchwork Quilt and we made secret books. Pukeko did The Tin Forest and we made a mural of the dim forest and the colourful forest. Takahe went to room 2 with Mr Leamy and read a book called When a Monster is Born and we recorded our voices on garage band and copied the book onto garage band. It was a funny book.
Morepork went to the library with Mrs Hicks and we read a book called Frog Belly Rat Bone and we did drama to fit with the story line. It was really fun in the end and we still have one more day to go.
By Vaughan and Joel

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